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About us

Our company focuses on the regulation, heating and protection of domestic hot water. Our products are used in boilers, boilers with electric heating, heat pump tanks, etc.


We solve the needs of manufacturers with fulfilment of the requirement European Directive 2009/125 / EC about products associated with energy consumption when we are able to provide significant increase of efficiency and thus growth of the efficiency class..


Our electronic thermostats is used in products our key customer DZ Dražice – strojírny specifically in their water heaters OKHE SMART, which are already the third generation of smart water heaters http://www.dzd.cz/smart/.


Our heaters elements can used for all types water heatings, boilers, heating pumps etc., everywhere where is needed to heat to water.


During our current cooperation with our customers, we have confirmed that it is crucial to achieve this goal with the least possible load on the internal organization of a customer. Therefore, we provide our customers a complete service from development through installation of the sample of the thermostat or heating element to the water heater, efficiency measurement in our laboratory and further steps to transition to a standard supply of finished products.


We lay stress on an open and friendly relationships with our business partners, when we are always looking for the best solutions for our partners because we believe that only this is the right way to the success of our customers and our company as well.